ALERT (Assessment, Liaison & Early Referral Team)

Assessment, Liaison and Early Referral Team (ALERT) is a Hospital Admission Risk Program (HARP) service. ALERT provides coordinated care for clients who present to the Emergency Department (ED) with complex psychosocial and medical needs. ALERT aims to prevent or reduce the need for clients to present to the ED. The ALERT team coordinate and integrate clients back into the community. ALERT operates between 8.30am-9.00pm, 7 days a week.

ALERT assess clients presenting to the ED with the following risk factors: 

  • Substance use
  • Aged Care
  • Homelessness
  • Victims of assault and violence - May include issues of domestic violence or children at risk.
  • Disability -  Including Acquired Brain Injury (ABI)
  • Mental Health issues but not currently receiving mental health service with another provider
  • Chronic Disease
  • Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander

About Us

ALERT is a multidisciplinary team of clinicians comprised of dietitians, registered nurses, occupational therapists, physiotherapists and social workers. ALERT clinicians provide assessment and short term care coordination of eligible clients presenting to the ED and in the community. ALERT aims to engage clients through a care coordination model to assist them in developing community links and networks to reduce presentations and facilitate better health outcomes.

Our Services

ALERT services may include:

  • Screening and assessment of patients in ED
  • Care coordination while in ED, hospital or outpatient clinics and within the community
  • Active participation in management of the ED episode
  • Advocating for admission where appropriate
  • Assisting to develop alternate care plans if admission not required
  • Short-term care-coordination and early referrals to Inpatient and Community Services
  • Coordinating case conferences and care plans with multiple agencies
  • Comprehensive psychosocial assessment
  • Diversions and safe discharges from ED including coordinating crisis accommodation through Ozanam House, Hanover Southbank Crisis Housing or to Supported Residential Services
  • Nursing and Allied Health service provision. These may include: dietetics, occupational therapy, physiotherapy, psychology, speech pathology or social work
  • Organisation of services such as home help, respite and personal care