Serving something greater, Seeing something greater, Striving for something greater Serving something greater, Seeing something greater, Striving for something greater Serving something greater, Seeing something greater, Striving for something greater
Share Your Experiences You are here:HomePatients & VisitorsShare your experiences How to give feedback We welcome and encourage patients and their families giving us feedback about their experience. Your feedback is important to us and helps us know what we are doing well and where we need to improve. You can provide feedback several different ways. If you are currently at St. Vincent’s, we encourage you to speak directly to a staff member at the time. That way, they can offer assistance as quickly as possible. If you feel the matter has not been resolved, you can ask to speak to the person in charge. Alternatively, you can contact the Patient Liaison Officers (PLO) on (03) 9231 1954 Monday to Friday between 8am and 4pm, by email at or leave a message below: Name* - required Phone no. Email* - required Message* - required refreshGet Audio Code Type the code from the image Mandatory field(s) marked with * Our PLO team is available to hear your feedback and assist in resolving any issues and concerns about the care you or your friend/relative (with their consent) has experienced at St Vincent's. We take all feedback seriously and we will work with you throughout the process. Likewise, compliments reinforce what we are doing well. Please speak with your healthcare team or the manager of the area, complete the online form above or leave a written message or card for the staff. We appreciate and share all compliments with our staff. If you would like to provide feedback in a language other than English, please request an interpreter via the healthcare team or the PLO. You are also welcome to provide written feedback in your own language and we will arrange translation. Downloads Your Feedback Brochure