Keep these dates free for important events!
Watch this space and your emails for further information.
The SVNA Annual Luncheon will be held at the Park Hyatt, 1 Parliament Square Off, Parliament Place Melbourne on Friday, 11 October 2024.
This event enables social connection for nurses past and present, and their friends and family and friends; provides a forum to hold reunions; contributes to SVNA fundraising activities; provides opportunities to have fun with friends and colleagues.
The SVNA Annual General Meeting will be held at 6pm, Wednesday 11 September on Level 3, Education and Learning Centre, Healy Wing, St Vincent's Hospital Melbourne.
Please consider participating with family, friends and colleagues. These activities provide opportunities to connect and also enable the SVNA to support initiatives that foster nursing excellence.
The Alumni Committee will continue to provide advice via email to members about upcoming events and items of interest. You are encouraged to join the Alumni to receive these updates.
Attention to PTS Groups of July 1961, October 1972 and October 1974 regarding planned reunions. Please head to the reunion subsection for further information.
The St Vincent's Nurses Alumni Afternoon High Tea
The SVNA High Afternoon Tea, held at the Windsor Hotel, was a great success. Held on the 24 May 2024, and it was wonderful to see many attendees introduce themselves and reminisce with Sr Maureen Walters about their time at St Vincent's.
Congratulations to all the raffle winners, an activity that is most popular with attendees.
Pictured: Nusia Krolikowski with Sr Maureen Walters at the Windsor High Afternoon Tea
Reunions provide a precious opportunity to catch up with friends and former colleagues, to share stories and network.
When organising events, including celebratory reunions consider booking tables at the SVNA annual luncheon. Please email the St Vincent's Nurses Alumni Committee at for further information.
A reunion of the PTS groups currently in planning phases:
October 1974. Please contact Mary Hollingworth at or on +61431369290 for information or to register interest.
October 1972. The reunion is proposed to be held at the Grand Hyatt SVNA Luncheon on 11 October 2024. Please contact Kathleen Steele (Reardon) at or on 0402116636 for further information.
July 1961 reunion is proposed. Please contact Kerry Bergin (Feely) on email or on mobile 0413593968 for information or to register interest.
The Alumni raises funds to pursue activities that foster nursing excellence and leadership including sponsoring scholarships to advance education, practice, and support nursing research. There is no registration fee for Alumni membership.
The Alumni relies entirely on fundraising and donations.
Donations of $2 or more are tax deductible. If you wish to make a financial contribution to support the Alumni’s work please complete the below form. It is important that you reference the donation to SVNA when you lodge the form.
Annually the Alumni is committed currently to providing:
- $10,000 for Post Graduate scholarships
- $1,000 for the Ida O’Dwyer Award.
Please consider supporting the Alumni in any way you can. With your support the Alumni can expand its work in advancing nursing leadership and practice.
Additionally, in 2024 an award is being established to support an Indigenous undergraduate from a rural, remote, or regional area undertaking their Bachelor's nursing course at Australian Catholic University Melbourne. The successful student will be allocated a grant of $2,000 per year for three years.
It is your support that enables the Alumni to undertake such important initiatives that will make a positive difference to community members' lives. Please consider supporting the Alumni in any way you can. With you support the Alumni can expand its work in advancing nursing leadership and practice, and supporting nurses past and present.
Welcome to the July Quarter message. I hope you and loved ones are not significantly impacted by the current surge in influenza and COVID viral infections across Victoria. Stay as safe and as well as you can!
It is timely to acknowledge the demands on nursing staff at St Vincent’s impacted by this surge. I extend the Alumni’s thanks and appreciation to members who support nurses currently working at SVH through donations, participation in fundraising events and offering sometimes more practical support. I also extend my thanks and appreciation for the financial contributions and commitments offered at the recent afternoon high tea through the raffle and donations.
Please see further information about planned events for 2024 under header: Events and Activities.
I encourage you to email the SVNA about your ideas and/or contributions you can make to SVNA’s work into the future. We are the sum of all parts!!
Best wishes
Nusia Krolikowski
Fancy a trip down memory lane? We all have stories that we can remember and share. If you would like to add your story or memories to this page, email
An extract is below from the handbook given to all new arrivals at the historical Preliminary Training School.
A Nurse must be:
Obedient and loyal to all rules, as the foundation of her work;
Active, yet quiet;
Methodical, reliable, careful, clean and neat;
Observant, intelligent and economical;
Capable of self-control, persevering gentleness, tact, sympathy and common sense;
Careful to pay attention to professional etiquette, remembering what is due to those in authority;
Careful in manner and attention to Visitors or Patients’ friends, a duty Nurses in the pressure of their work are apt to overlook;
Careful to wear her uniform with spotless cleanliness, neatness, and simplicity; hair tidy, and general bearing that of military smartness;
Careful to be always guarded in her behaviour towards Doctors and Students.
Catch up with friends and former colleagues, share news, enjoy annual events and reunions, and keep up with what’s happening at the hospital. The St Vincent’s Nurses Alumni Committee invites you to become a member and help the Alumni achieve its goals.
Membership is open to:
- nursing graduates
- enrolled and registered nurse employees (current and past) from St Vincent’s Hospital (Melbourne)
- those invited by the St Vincent’s Nurses Alumni Committee to participate.
There is no joining fee.
To join, please email
Your name
Your email address
Mobile number
Year of graduation
Current or previous St Vincent’s employee
Any other information you wish to share