Caritas Christi: One Year On

From left: Kidest Desta, Enrolled Nurse; Voula Kallianis, Social Worker; Selina Fraser, Physiotherapist; Angela Baird, Nurse Unit Manager; Rebekah Boffa, Occupational Therapist
It has been just over a year since Caritas Christi reopened after undergoing a major redevelopment which was generously funded by families of past patients and the community.
Since reopening in September 2021, more than 440 patients have received care in the new facility and an ever-growing team means that occupancy continues to increase.
A purpose-built space
Co-located with the St Vincent’s Care Services Residential Aged Care facility, the inpatient palliative care unit at Caritas Christi offers specialist palliative care, consultancy services, an ambulatory care hub, as well as education, training and research areas.
The facility is staffed by a dedicated team of doctors, nurses, pharmacists, dieticians, music and art therapists, psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, speech pathologists, pastoral care workers and a strong network of volunteers.
Each of the in-patient rooms has direct access to either the facility’s landscaped gardens or a balcony area – a relaxed setting for loved ones to spend this precious time together.
There are a number of lounge areas including a creative arts space and a dedicated dining space where families can share a meal together, as well as a chapel featuring stained glass windows from the convent that was originally on the site – a special link to our hospital’s heritage.
“Our team is feeling proud and invigorated by the new space,” says Nurse Unit Manager Angela Baird.
“While everyone has settled in well to their new environment, we are not forgetting the legacy and memories from which the new Caritas is built.”
Enriching a legacy
Founded in 1938 by the Sisters of Charity, Caritas Christi is now one of the largest and best-known providers of palliative and supportive care in the state.
For more than 80 years, commitment, compassion and professionalism have been the hallmarks of Caritas Christi.
A multidisciplinary team provides 24-hour care for patients when they are at their most vulnerable, as well as providing support to family and loved ones through what can be an extremely difficult time.
Angela recalls the first wedding held in the Caritas Christi chapel earlier this year.
“The daughter of one of our patients chose to have the ceremony on site which would allow her father to attend. The family visited afterwards to show us the photos which were filled with so much happiness, and a perfect example of the holistic nature of palliative care.”