Celebrating 125 Years

St Vincent's Cares.

Always has.

Always will.

Everyone has a St Vincent’s story – We invite you to share yours. In this year of celebration, we are collecting St Vincent’s stories – personal stories and memories, of caring, compassion, of funny moments, historical interest, of the nuns, the nurses – we want to hear it all!

Over the past 125 years, St Vincent’s has touched the lives of hundreds of thousands of Victorians. We have a shared history with Melbourne and Victoria, and we want people to share their St Vincent’s story with us. Whether it’s an experience in our hospital, a friend or family member who was treated here, or as a current or former staff member, we want to hear from you.

St Vincent’s has a vast network of supporters, and we invite you all to please share your stories, photos and videos with us. Help us tell the St Vincent’s story.

